STUDENT BRAGS Pets Love 2 Play is always excited to Brag about our wonderful students. Joann and Rudy with their new trick dog Novice ribbon Lady Boo With her proud parents and her Novice Trick Dog Ribbon Congrats to Panda on his NW2!!! Congrats Siggi and MaryBeth for Graduating from our AKC STAR puppy class Sandy & Bink with Farm Dog ribbon Well done Danee and Jeri for Graduating for AKC Star Puppy Well done Blaze for your new title and Scent Work Placement Congrsts to Beeble and Vinny for receiving their AKC Urban title Ann & Breeze showing off their ribbons Congrats to Obi and Kristen for your new AKC Scent Work title Well done Puppy Penny & Bethany for graduating for AKC STAR Puppy Congrats to Kass and Earlene for passing their AKC Novice trick Dog Testing at Pets Love 2 Play Mary and Mark at their first Scent Work event taking multiple placements and High in Trial Obi at his first trial with his first Q ribbon in Novice Containers Pam and Panda finishing off many Novice titles and lots of placements Congrats to Mousse and Robin for new Q’s and 2nd place in your most recent Scent Work Trial Purple Potter with her NW3 and third place overall Katherin and Blaze on their first weekend moving into Advanced with much success and High In Trial Well done Kuiper for your new Urban title Well Done Maverick and Tammy for your placement and success at your most recent Scent Work Trial Well done Siggy and Marybeth for achieving your AKC Novice Trick Dog title Congrats to Beeble who at 18 months earned her CGC, CGCU and Novice Trick Dog